The High court of Bombay has ordered the North and South Goa Tree Authorities to conduct a census of trees of the region in order to ascertain the levels of tree felling, implement controls and stop illegal felling.
It appears that this report comes with some controversy as the Tree authority has been failing in its duties for many years, prompting this action by the high court. The record keeping by the organisation has been failing to register trees felled and the reasons for that felling, and that permissions for applications of tree felling has not been completed within the statutory time.
The suggestion on the table is to use RFID technology can help improve matters, with the census of the trees in the region being carried out, RFID tags can be used on each tree recorded, keeping a database which can later be used to inspect and ensure that the only trees felled are those with the permission to do so.
If this technology is adopted then it will firstly make the census operation more efficient, but a lasting record will be kept, allowing inspections and checks of future censuses to be carried out easily.
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