In the latest news from Jammu and Kashmir in India with the preparations for the Amarnath Yatra pilgrimage, it has been announced that not only, as we reported on the 8th April 2022, will the people attending be required to be required to carry RFID cards for identification during their pilgrimage, ponies will also need to be tagged.
The reasons behind this seem to be animal welfare, to ensure that RFID tagging already used by the Animal Husbandry Department of Jammu and Kashmir be integrated into the tracking and those not already tagged must be ear tagged in a tamperproof manner. Furthermore, if a pony operator is found to have deliberately failed to tag or otherwise breaks the tag, they will not be able to trade and offer their services on the track.
The system also requires that the medical certificates for the animals be logged with the registration for the RFID tags and stored in the database along with the application record.
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